PGY 2101 - Visual Literacy Fall 2014
3 credits
Section B (studio)
Su Ye Friday period 7-8
Lecture = 50%
Lab = 50%
- Class Participation 10%
- Blogging Assignments 20% - Critique 15%
- Project Proposal 5%
- Final Portfolio 50%

3 credits
Section B (studio)
Su Ye Friday period 7-8
Lecture = 50%
Lab = 50%
- Class Participation 10%
- Blogging Assignments 20% - Critique 15%
- Project Proposal 5%
- Final Portfolio 50%
Participation in class is necessary to achieve the course objectives. Students are expected to arrive on time
and be prepared to participate in all activities. Please mute cell phones prior to class. Attendance is taken
at the beginning of class. Students are considered late if they arrive after roll is taken. Students are
permitted two absences without penalty; additional absences will reduce the final grade by one letter
grade per occurrence. Three late will equal one absence.
August 29th
-Review syllabus and studio rules.
-Basic camera functions and shooting: aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focus, shooting modes (M, Ap, Sp, Auto) JPEG vs RAW, bracketing.
-Explain class blog.
Assignment: Shoot 200 images of anything and familiarize yourself with the Class Blog.
September 5th
Assignment: * Somers Town Assignment*
Shoot 200 images of anything, and post your Somers Town assignment on Class Blog.
September 12th
-Basic Photoshop techniques: B&W conversion methods, layers. Crossovers from Adobe Bridge.
-Preparing contact sheets, processing images to post on blog.
-Shoot 200 images of anything, post contact sheets of this week’s and last week’s images on Class Blog as well as your 10 best images.
August 29th
-Review syllabus and studio rules.
-Basic camera functions and shooting: aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focus, shooting modes (M, Ap, Sp, Auto) JPEG vs RAW, bracketing.
-Explain class blog.
Assignment: Shoot 200 images of anything and familiarize yourself with the Class Blog.
September 5th
Assignment: * Somers Town Assignment*
Shoot 200 images of anything, and post your Somers Town assignment on Class Blog.
September 12th
-Basic Photoshop techniques: B&W conversion methods, layers. Crossovers from Adobe Bridge.
-Preparing contact sheets, processing images to post on blog.
-Shoot 200 images of anything, post contact sheets of this week’s and last week’s images on Class Blog as well as your 10 best images.
September 19th
-Discuss basic composition techniques and various photographic ideas (Isolating the subject, horizontal vs vertical, symmetry, subject in center, rule of thirds, power of line [horizon placement, using line to create depth], patterns and textures, quality of light [shoot at 4 different times of the day], shutter speed and aperture control).
-Discuss final project proposal
-Utilizing the various compositional techniques discussed, experiment and shoot 200 images of anything.
-Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Make 4 comments (one for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on a peers work on Class Blog.
September 26th
-CLASS DEMO: Advanced Camera Mechanics using depth of field, focus, emphasis on lens difference (17mm vs 50mm vs 400mm).
-CLASS DEMO pt 2: Basic lighting, time of day importance, planning and watching the sun, basic flash use (key, fill, rim, kicker), quantity of light versus quality of light.
-Discuss expectations for critique next week and the aid of the blog.
-Experiment with shooting at all different times of the day, with different types of light use, and multiple light sources and shoot 200 images of anything.
-Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Make 4 comments (one for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on a peers work on Class Blog.
-Prepare for your fist critique. (No prints necessary.)
October 3rd
-Processing images, preparing to print, and printing. (Changing image size, file sizes, flattened images to reduce size, Photoshop manages color settings, assigning color profiles via proof setup).
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Print ONE picture for your next week's critique.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
October 10th
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
October 17th (Homecoming, no class?)
October 24th
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Print your TWO best images for critique next week. Images must be on Class Blog no later than Thursday.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
October 31st
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
November 7th
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
November 14th
Putting up your final portfolio. Statement review.
Questions and group discussion.
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Print your TWO best images for critique next week. Images must be on Class Blog no later than Thursday. -Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
November 21st
-CRITIQUE #6, Final Portfolio Critique
-Finalize your portfolio of 36 images and formulate a plan/sequence of images for final portfolio.
-Post these 36 images on the Class Blog, along with your Project Statement. Due on Dec.5th.
November 28th (Thanksgiving Holiday, no class)
December 5th
-FINAL PORTFOLIO DUE, come fully prepared with final portfolios entirely complete.
December 12th (Reading Day, no class)
December 19th (Exam Week, Grades Due)
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Print your TWO best images for critique next week. Images must be on Class Blog no later than Thursday.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
October 31st
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
November 7th
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
November 14th
Putting up your final portfolio. Statement review.
Questions and group discussion.
-Shoot 200 images working on your final project. Post contact sheets and your 10 best images on Class Blog.
-Print your TWO best images for critique next week. Images must be on Class Blog no later than Thursday. -Make 12 comments (3 each for Description, Interpretation, Theorizing, and Judgment) on 3 of your peer’s works on Class Blog. Use these comments and thoughts to generate discussion for next week’s critique.
November 21st
-CRITIQUE #6, Final Portfolio Critique
-Finalize your portfolio of 36 images and formulate a plan/sequence of images for final portfolio.
-Post these 36 images on the Class Blog, along with your Project Statement. Due on Dec.5th.
November 28th (Thanksgiving Holiday, no class)
December 5th
-FINAL PORTFOLIO DUE, come fully prepared with final portfolios entirely complete.
December 12th (Reading Day, no class)
December 19th (Exam Week, Grades Due)
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