Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sabrina Chacin 200 Pictures 5th week

Artist Statement

For my final portfolio, I want to engage with nature and take pictures in weird angles that could kind of abstract the image into shapes and designs being repeated constantly. I mostly like taking close-ups so I think I will stick to this format and I like contrast so I might edit my images a little to make it more eye-pleasing and abstract. I want to take pictures of everything from palm trees to swamps that might connect to how we think of Florida.  I was inspired by the word I got last week, which was Language, and it forced me to see and communicate with nature differently. 
 I decided to take pictures that spoke to me, whether they show how we have invaded it, its beauty of how we have contaminated it. I made sure I took mostly close ups because I am mostly interested in trying to find interesting designs and textures in nature. Overall, my pictures will be made up of interesting compositions that show texture and patterns and they will hopefully communicate something.

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